Death of A Dream
I wasn't meant to be under this long
The silence has begun to set in
And all the color has seeped out of my perspective
How beautifully eerie the sound of a dying dream
As it struggles for hope to survive
Fighting against all doors closed
Crawling over obstacles as if swimming through an ocean
With no current to fight against
Ignoring the unspeakable pain
Gnashing against all predators who wait patiently for it to die
What keeps it going?
What gives it the strength to traverse impossible odds to survive?
It's chance.
The chance to be realized.
The chance to become an accomplished goal.
As long as this thought is alive,
A dream will continue to live
And ignore how utterly destroyed it truly is
A dream never dies quietly...
Sidenote: Wale is going to have a great 2011. Two albums this year? You're gonna see a lot more than Attention Deficit eluded too. More About Nothing is available for free at
Thanks for taking your time to read. More to come depending on the feedback. As always, you can reach me at You can also follow me @HipHopPoli.
Once again, you did it! You are an awesome writer and I think you should take this poetry thing to the next level by doing open mic sessions - the serious ones. We'll talk about that, later. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this poem. Hooray! Our family is blessed with the gift of words and the Word. Amen! LOL! Love you!